Thursday, July 15, 2010

Q&A With Capital Imaging

We recently got an email question sent to us from a new patient. The question was a very valid one and got us thinking that many of you may have the same question before coming in. After gaining permission from Michele to post it, we are proud to present Q&A with Capital Imaging.

Dear Capital Imaging,

I was wondering if I should be concerned about radiation levels when getting an MIR? I have an apt to get one next week and had this concern.


Dear Michele,

Great question, many people think that MRI uses radiation, but the good news that is does not!

MRI uses high frequency radio waves (near or in the FM band) and a strong magnetic field. So there is no need to be worry about radiation exposure. These energies at the levels used are deemed safe to us.

There are some contraindications to having an MRI however, like having a cardiac pacemaker or some kind of implanted pump (designed to administer medication), or having metal in your body… braces, most piercing and prosthetic implants(knee replacements) are safe. But if you have any of these be sure to mention it to your technologist prior to the exam so they can make sure.

I hope this answered your question if you have any other please free to ask or contact me directly through our website. Good luck with your MRI Exam.

Michael J. Masone R.T. (R)(M)(MR)(S), R.D.M.S.
Director of Operations

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