Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Best Protectin is Early Detection!

As you know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the color pink is everywhere! We have all participated in the walks and we even held Pink Hair Extension Day, which was a huge success thanks to all of you! We ran out of hair extensions well before 4:00!

But did you know that annual mammograms are recommended for women age 40 and over, whether it's October or not? Combined with clinical breast exams and self-exams as advised by your doctor, this breast care plan can detect breast cancer when its most treatable.

Is it time for your next mammogram? Please call today for an appointment. It CAN save your life! Let's hit cancer where it where it hurts and knock it out once and for all! The best protection is early detection!

Visit Capital Imaging today to learn more!

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