Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fall is Here!

Fall has finally come to the Capital District and we must say, we love this time of year! The air is crisp....the leaves have started to change....and the spices of the season seem to be everywhere we go. Whether you are walking into your favorite bakery or ordering a pumpkin late at your favorite coffee house, they are there. From cinnamon to all spice....all spice to nutmeg...they invite you in and comfort your soul all while taking you back to Grandma's kitchen. But did you know that nutmeg may actually be healthy good for you? According to Shine, nutmeg has surprising health benefits. From helping you to get more sleep to soothing your tummy, nutmeg seems to help. Visit Shine today to learn more.

The Capital Imaging family would like to wish you and yours a very happy and healthy Fall season! And remember, at Capital Imaging....It's Your Body-Your Health-Your Choice!

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