Monday, November 8, 2010

115th Anniversary of the X-ray!

Today marks the 115th anniversary of the discovery of the X-ray! In 1895, Dr. W.C. Roentgen from Germany, discovered electromagnetic radiation in wavelength range which we call X-ray today. This discovery earned him a Nobel Prize in 1901. Just think where we might be without it! In honor of today, here are a few trivia questions about the X-ray.

1. What is the most common X-Ray Procedure performed in the United States today?
a. skull
b. chest
c. hand
d. abdomen

2. What is the name of the physician who views and interprets these medical images?

Today, Google Doodle has honored this momentous discovery by adding an X-ray image to it's page! Check out the fun today! We at Capital Imaging are thankful this November for this discovery in medicine that has helped so many!

Capital Imaging, It's Your Body-Your Health- Your Choice!

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