Friday, May 27, 2011

New Resource in Mammography

Take a look at this valuable new website about Mammography. This is a wonderful place to find important information, get questions answered and connect with others who might be in the same situation as you. It's a great resource and Capital Imaging is proud to spread the word about it!

At Capital Imaging, we offer Digital Mammography. DM is the newest and most advanced mammography currently available. As with a digital camera, this advanced technology eliminates the need for x-ray film or an imaging plate. This translates into the radiologist having faster and clearer images with more detail resolution. Our system is unique in that it has built in biofeedback features which sense breast thickness and delivers the minimal amount of compression and radiation needed for the exam. This results in a "softer" compression, maximizing patient comfort!

At Capital Imaging, it's Your Body-Your Health-Your Choice and we thank you for choosing us!

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