Monday, January 10, 2011

MRI Q and A with Capital Imaging

Welcome to the first installment of MRI Q and A With Capital Imaging. In this series, you will receive information on the sort of questions that we and our technicians have to ask patients before they have an MRI. We hope that this information is useful to you and might alleviate any stress you may feel before experiencing an MRI of your own.

MRI Q and A with Capital Imaging:

We have 2 types of contraindications one is absolute contraindication which the patient can never have MRI other are contraindications in which further information is needed about the patients condition when these questions have been answered the patient may proceed with an MRI.

1. Does the patient have a cardiac pacemaker:

If the patient has a cardiac pacemaker they may not have an MRI.

For that matter, if the patient has known serous metal, meaning metal that is attracted to magnet in their body either on purpose or an accident, the patient may not have an MRI.

2. Does the patient have tattoos of any kind?

We also ask patients if they have tattoos. The reason for this is that many tattoo inks, especially in inks that were used some time ago, may have metal filings in the ink that may act adversely in the magnetic field. There have been reports that some tattoos, after being exposed to the magnetic field, have become raised and reddened. It has also been reported that usually the color red as more susceptible to this type of reaction. So be sure to be sure to let your technician know about any tattoos you may have before receiving an MRI.

We hope this first installment of MRI Q and A has been helpful to you. Have an MRI question that you would like answered? Contact us today! Capital Imaging....Your Body-Your Health-Your Choice!

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